Lyrical Sunday – Daylight

The sun dipped down at six thirty on Saturday night,
with a sunset to warm me to the core,
leaving winter nights behind –
and knocking on summer’s door.

Sunset at Princess Bay

The clocks took us closer, as we slept,
waking to a new time & a season of promise.

Scorching Bay, Miramar Peninsula, Wellington

My mood that’s felt depressed,
since May’s darkening descent,
is now shifting to a lighter gear –
with every minute of extended daylight.

Evans Bay at sundown - the night daylight saving kicks in - on cusp of full moon

Every year I try to rise above it,
but the whirlpool of winter catches me in its grip.
Immune systems undermined,
children with coughs and sneezes,
I am nurse and mother – above all else –
no time to rest and recuperate.
In the trenches, one foot in front of the other –
doing my duty till the tunnel’s end is reached.

But now, the darkness falls away,
the longer days make me anew.
A husband home from work in daylight –
children playing outdoors – high as kites.

Time for me to slip away –
to breath in the scent of a summer’s night.
Alone with my thoughts and the waves on the shore –
the shrill caw of a seagull as it soars.

© Sarah Lee, 2012


Lyrical Sunday