Things I’m Loving & Rounding Up Photo a Day MAY 23 – 31

LOVE the surprise of a huge pile of sand on the beach (that appeared literally over night down at Lyall Bay). Photo a Day MAY | 25th | UNUSUAL LOVE seeing Charlotte and Sophie team up and learn to play a few tunes together on their recorders (which were a Christmas present, at least two […]

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Photo A Day MAY | Something I can’t live without

Obviously food, clean water and shelter (which I’m extremely grateful for every day) are the essentials that I can’t live without – and my heart frequently aches for the millions of people around the world that are struggling to survive without the basics. But, beyond those essentials, is LOVE. The love of my family is […]

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Photo A Day MAY *Catchup* | Inspire, Smell, Do Everyday, Fav Word

Yesterday was ‘Someone Who Inspires You’, Tuesday was ‘A Smell You Adore’, Wednesday was ‘Something You Do Everyday’ and today is ‘A Favourite Word’. I’m playing catch-up… (not much time for blogging, with hubbie away on foreign shores and my three daughters keeping me busy, busy, busy!). So, without further ado… Someone Who Inspires You […]

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