Farewell cous from Aotearoa x

The day after Sophie’s crazy 6th Birthday party, my dear cousin Jane bid us and New Zealand farewell, travelling on to Australia for three week’s (and to be reunited with her fiance) before journeying home to England.

Farewell cousin Jane

It was so wonderful to see her after eight (or so) years and so lovely that she stopped in to spend time with us on her travels around New Zealand. She certainly fitted a lot of exciting things in – with glacial walking on the west coast of the South Island, white water rafting and bungy jumping in Queenstown and kayaking in the Abel Tasman.

Wellington put on the words for her (in a good way) and we had a beautiful morning at Lyall Bay beach before she caught her flight to Oz. It was lovely that her visit coincided with Grandma and Granddad being here (Jane’s Auntie and Uncle). In the distant past we spent many holidays together and this little reunion brought back many childhood memories of hanging upside down from monkey bars and playing hide and seek.

Fun in the surf at Lyall Bay beach

We wish Jane every happiness for 2012 when she will marry her love in September! We really wish we could be there. Safe travels from us all and the land of the long white cloud (which thankfully wasn’t too cloudy for her visit! – she managed to dodge the rain clouds most of the time – except for at the glaicer on the West Coast!).

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