Dear Hunger, I shall never forget the way you looked, expressed on the lips of my first child. The milk she sought was slow in coming, after a prolonged and difficult birth. After several weeks and long, painful nights, of little sleep and endless nursing, her hunger was finally satisfied – but the weight of…
Tag: breastfeeding
I’ve received an invitation to latch on – do I go?! World Breastfeeding Week
For those in the know (breastfeeding mothers), it’s ‘World Breastfeeding Week‘. I’ve been invited to a ‘Latch On’ at 10am (for a 10.30am ‘latch on’) this Friday 3 August (if you’re keen visit ‘Big Latch on 2012‘ for a venue near you!). What is a ‘latch on’ you ask? It’s where mothers gather in large…
A long road ahead
I didn’t make an active choice to ‘do’ extended breastfeeding… I just never used bottles and it was so easy to peacefully feed baby to sleep (tut, tut, no, no!), comfort baby (and then toddler), nurse my child through teething with breastfeeding (did you know sucking releases endorphins – the body’s natural painkillers?). My children…
This is my Sunday morning…
At nearly 9 months old Alice is cutting teeth faster than Charlotte, at 7 years old, is losing them. She has five pearly milk whites and judging by the excessive drool, fingers in the mouth and number of night-time comfort feeds, there are more soon to come. So, after breakfast and listening to Charlotte and…
World Breastfeeding Week
As Dan waited for the bus on Friday morning he struck up a conversation with a lady and her 18 month old child. She was heading off to ‘The Big Latch On‘ at Wellington Town Hall for World Breastfeeding Week. He told me he said how proud he was of his wife breastfeeding for so…
Food, food, glorious food!
I’m sitting up well, have two pearly whites ready for action and have been reaching out for everyone’s food for a few weeks now. Breast-milk is no longer enough (though I’m still having plenty – especially at night, tee hee). So, at nearly 6 month’s of age I have joined the rest of the family…
She who trusts
There is no clock in Alice’s world, only the difference in light between night and day. She feeds when she’s hungry. She sleeps when she needs to. And spends her wakeful time drinking in every sight, sound and texture. The only taste to cross her lips is that of her mother’s milk from the breast….
Alice at 7 weeks: Sharing the love (and the milk!)
The badge of honour – baby sick on the shoulder – is one Mummy is wearing frequently of late. Alice is seven week’s old today and looking plumptiously scrumptious. She’s feeding like a champ and has a big appetite. Mummy has been completely soaked to the skin several times due to her over-feeding (cheers Alice)!…
Alice & Mummy have an all nighter!
12.30am One feed down for the night and nappy changed. Gotta love my iPhone in bed! Baby back to sleep and so must I… 2.30am And so my all night milk party continues; still rocking! Having a blast on the dance floor. Alice is necking back the drinks. 4.30am She’s on the heavy duty cocktails…
Four week’s on…
… Alice has settled in beautifully. The past few day’s have seen an improvement in her ability to self-wind, which has meant a lot less walking around with her upright and propped up on our chests. She’s been feeding well and giving us big, hearty, appreciative burps in return. She’s getting stronger and more alert…
Baby eyes ease my tiredness through the night
Baby Eyes, by Bernard Shaw Large Baby eyes smiling joyfully at me, Baby eyes as brown as can be. Two deep pools most innocent and bright, To me are symbols of sheer delight. May I greet you every single day? For you are sunshine on my way. Other people see you smile so sweet, All…
The best kind of time waster…
Alice, like all newborns, really is the best kind of time waster. Stuff the baby sleep books telling me to put my baby to bed in her cot – whilst I can hold her in my arms and watch her sleep, I will! But how do I get anything done? Well, my Natures Sway sling…
Milk Mamma
So… I am a walking milk machine. All is going reasonably well and Alice is gaining weight nicely. Here she is being weighed by my midwife (the girls found this technique fascinating!) and looking scrumptious sleeping in her moses basket: Unfortunately, we’ve had a few unsettled evenings, with Alice producing green, instead of nice yellow,…
Sophie (at 22 months) Rocks the Plunket Nurse!
Sophie had her ‘Plunket‘ check (health-nurse) this week and it was really just a formality as I know she is absolutely fine on all levels. When it came to her ‘weigh-in’ Sophie started to cry (a rarity for her!) and I said to Sophie, ‘Well, never mind, it’s really not necessary as you’re obviously not…