Things I’m Loving

A few snippets of life from the past week that have brought a smile to my face…

A sunset enjoyed with my family (except not all the children were happy to be at the beach… but it meant a lot to the man of the house and I!).

Sunset with my family

Seeing one of my children with her nose in a book (technology, of which we are heavy users, is a heavy competitor, so it’s always extra great to capture a moment like this!).

Nose in a book

Seeing my 10 year old and 3 year old learning about the affect of acid and alkaline, using red cabbage water as the indicator. They tested various house hold ‘ingredients’ from orange juice and lemon juice to sugar and baking soda.Alkaline and Acid experiment with red cabbage

Plump, wonderful pumpkins to celebrate the season!


Which were quickly carved by the children of the house…

Miss 10 sets to carving her pumpkin

Having New Zealand friends around mid-week, that joined the man of the house on this work experience here in the USA. Most of them are based in San Francisco so it was wonderful to have them here in Santa Barbara and make the most of their wonderful company. We lit the outdoor fire pit and toasted marshmallows to celebrate, as well as necking a few ‘choice’ drinks 😉

Marshmallows toasted to celebrate Kiwi friends in the house!

Discovering new places, the ‘Maritime Museum of Santa Barbara’, where there was something to entertain each of my three children for at least an hour.

Testing their navigation skills at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum

fun at the maritime museum, Santa Barbara

Getting in some extra help, as currently having three bright children home schooled is quite a challenge! We now have a tutor that comes a couple of times a week, to work with the older two, and a singing tutor that comes once a week, to continue our eldest daughters absolute love of singing and teach our Miss 7 the stepping stones to developing her voice.

Thankfully there’s a piano in the house we are staying, so Miss 7 is continuing to teach herself to play, with my assistance when she asks!

Finally, we loved the first rain in months this past week – an excuse to light the fire for the first time, though we didn’t really need the warmth, it was still a lovely moment to share with the children.

First fire of autumn

Linking up at ‘Catalina’s Cottage’ this week for…