Things I’m Loving: Sisterhood & natural learning

It’s my first full week back after my solo trip, sans children, to the UK (which now seems in the very distant past!). I’m taking my time to write about the four day’s I was away; so as to relive it and let the feelings linger on for as long as possible (wishful thinking!). Since I have returned the evenings have begun to get a little lighter, hubbie has made a kind effort to return home from work a little earlier some nights – so I can escape out for a quick 5K run and my daughters have given me lots to smile about.

My three daughters and I

The weather has been a little cooler too – which I much prefer, prompting the girls and I to get out with balls, bats and frisbees.

Goleta playground

And our annual membership to the local Zoo is being well used, as it’s a great space to run around and play, regardless of whether or not we see any animals!

At Santa Barbara Zoo

The older girls are continuing with their obsession of rainbow looming and coming up with headbands, skipping ropes, key rings and more and more complex bracelets. My oldest daughter gifted me a necklace to remember my UK trip with, which I’m wearing next to the double-twist greenstone from New Zealand – that hubbie gifted to me some eighteen years ago!

rainbow loom creations

Elastic bands are taking over the house (I’m forever picking them up…) and having an influence on their natural learning too, with impromptu ‘experiments’ (games and play for them – but it’s all ‘learning’ – they just don’t see it like that!)…


And the elastic bands are even creating impromptu workouts, as they are transformed into skipping ropes!

Skipping ropes made from elastic bands

Loving their creativity and natural learning! There’s so much happening in the house all the time. The ‘Frozen‘ movie and soundtrack is continuing to feature in a BIG way – especially since we went to a ‘Sing a long’ screening of the movie at a local cinema theatre! The girls have been putting on shows in the garage for us, over and over again…!

So long as I get a chance to take a break, I’m all good too! Love a good run at sunset.

A run at sunset


Linking up with the wonderful Meghan…