On Tuesday we headed out to the Botanical Gardens in gloriously, hot sunshine. We parked at the top of the cable car, with a plan to walk all down hill, via the playground, duck pond, Sound Shell, Rose Gardens and into the city, before riding the cable car back up. However, poor Sophie had a […]
Month: January 2010
Fun at the Races & Blueberry Stuffing!
On Monday, Wellington Anniversary Day, we headed over to Trentham Race Course for the family day. We’d never been before, but thought the girls would enjoy it and there was so much free entertainment for children. Adults cost $10, children free and all the activities were free! So they had a fabulous time on the […]
Bubbles, horses & fun on the farm
I read in the newspaper last week that when there’s lots of moisture in the air it’s perfect for making bubbles, as Alan McKay demonstrated in Wellington on Friday. On Sunday morning the girls raced out the kitchen door into the garden and delighted in bubbles sticking to plants, the walls of the house and […]
An amazing few days
It is absolutely incredible to have Grandma and Granddad here! This week we’ve been blessed with warm weather and even the showers on Wednesday morning and Thursday weren’t enough to dampen our spirits. In fact we spent Thursday at Zealandia (previously known as Karori Wildlife Sanctuary) where we walked for over three hour’s through the […]
They’ve arrived!
Monday morning and we woke to fog. We were full of excitement at greeting Grandma and Granddad off their flight… but delays were to be expected. Thankfully, we only had to wait an hour and the fog lifted to reveal an absolute pearler of a day. It’s been two, long year’s since we last saw […]
One wet summer Saturday
What to do on a wet and windy summer Saturday? Get out the paints and get messy! We spent two hour’s on Saturday morning stepping in plates of paint and then soaking our feet in buckets of warm, soapy water to create a huge ‘Welcome’ banner for Grandma and Granddad’s arrival from the UK tomorrow […]
Manic madness
The sun greeted Wellington for a change yesterday morning and pre-made plans to meet some girl-friends at the pool were laid to one side as the sun was just too good to miss. Just as well we grabbed the chance to enjoy it, since today is like a throw back to winter. As I write […]
It struck me this week how valuable the downtime of the long school holidays really are. I’ve watched Charli settle into the joy of no routine and having freedom to utilize her time to her own clock. She has grown so much in the past school year and learnt so much, but this downtime gives […]
Busy feet
I really marvel at myself on days like today. Dan was busy hosting a function at the office tonight, so it’s been a looooooong day with the girls. They woke at 8.30am, which was great, but they didn’t get to sleep till 9ish – so I’ve been on my feet, running laps around the house […]
Easing into 2010
Five day’s into 2010… The weather in Welly is being a tad dicey for us, but we’re grabbing the good and sheltering from the bad (wild winds + late pregnancy hormones = unpredictable mother who should come with a ‘handle with care’ label). Monday morning on Oriental Parade was entertaining in high winds – cycling […]