Those boots were made for walking…

new boots

The girls got new boots for winter yesterday and I was green with envy! I can still remember the annual excitement of getting new shoes before heading back to school. But in ‘my day’ (I’m SO old!) we had to wear black shoes and didn’t have nearly as much choice as they do now. The girls were so happy with their new shoes (and rightly so at the cost – they are on cleaning up duty for weeks).

They also got new socks, tights and p-jays; spoilt indeed!

And finally, to top it off, they had fun with red hair-dye spray (Grandma, don’t worry, it washes out). I have a feeling they won’t want to wash their hair before Monday 😉 when kindi and school goes back.

So, this sunny Saturday morning we decided to take those boots a walking…

Sophie happy walking

Sophie happy walking

But I just want to read!

Charlotte, 'But I just want to read!'

Alice happy to be carried

Alice happy to be carried

Half way we stopped for snacks at the surf cafe at Lyall Bay…

Daddy reading, 'The Princess and the Mirror' for the 100th time (sigh!)

Daddy reading, 'The Princess and the Mirror' for the 100th time (sigh!)

Alice with her doting sister Charlotte

Alice with her doting sister Charlotte

Sophie the Rock chick!

Sophie the Rock chick!

Charlotte put her book aside for the return leg of the walk and made it all the way up the hill home. Sophie found a few trees to climb and also made it up the hill – way to go! Alice slept, of course, in Daddy’s arms on the return.

Sophie the tree climber

Sophie the tree climber

Up the hill!

Up the hill!

So the verdict on the boots – ‘awesome’!

Sophie models boots by McKinlays, made in New Zealand (and I wish they had them in that colour in my size!). Charlotte models boots by Richter (made in Austria) and will have nice dry, toasty toes all winter.

And Charlotte did so well on the return leg – even if we did give her a dig about sitting and sulking in the buggy on the way there (which was downhill). I have to admit – and I did just that to Charlotte – that I used to be quite an expert at sulking when I was six and three quarters, especially when I had my nose in a good book!