Lyrical Sunday: Memory

Sunset, p-jays & a driftwood beach-house

We can’t have the happy, without the sad,
The interaction of yin and yang.
The merge of hearts and the touch of hands,
Together – now apart – leaving a pang.

Granddad and Alice

The memory – of a summer spent playing,
Long, lingering nights and days to create.

Concerts at sun-down

The love of family, brought close together,
Often reliant on pen, phone and paper.
We exchanged glances, smiles and caresses,
shared food – and chinked glasses.


The memories we made are lasting.
The strings of our hearts still connected.

This little piggy went to market...

So fortunate are we – to have had the time –
To walk the same paths, our footprints together…

Dan, Alice & Granddad

A walk in Catchpool Valley

Otaki Forks walk

To share words of a page, side by side –
and made our own stories to read in our minds.

Granddad and Alice

Grandma, Sophie & Alice

Grandma dancing with her granddaughters

Charlotte with Grandma and Granddad at Zealandia

Dan and the beach at Kapiti

Hundreds and thousands sprinkled on our hearts –

Shared in our memories.

Felt in our breath.

Imprinted on our skin.

Together –

Forever –

No matter the time –

No matter the distance –

Thank you for the memories… till the next time xx

© Sarah Lee, 2012


Joining in with Lyrical Sunday over at Latte Junkie’s blog 🙂


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