I baked these biscuits on Monday and, to celebrate the making, took this photograph, outside in the natural light filtering through the trees in my garden. I love how light casts its glow. I kept moving the plate around in my hand, watching the light fall in different ways on the biscuits.
That same day my youngest daughter fell asleep unexpectedly early, mid-morning. She’d had a restless night and started the day earlier than usual. I’d popped on ‘Maisy Mouse‘ for her to watch, whilst I hung up the washing (I didn’t even notice I’d set the language to Danish instead of English!). She went very quiet, very quickly, so I turned to check she was okay and… this sweet sight met my eyes. I love the way the light from the window touches her peacefully sleeping.
Also on Monday, I took my children to the playground, after a stormy weekend had kept us mostly indoors. I marvelled at the bright blue sky lighting up my youngest daughter as she bravely climbed where she’d never been before!
I made the most of the glorious light to put my washing out to dry au natural!
And enjoyed a morning coffee at the beach to fully appreciate the sunshine after the stormy weekend (which inspired this poem).
It was a good Monday, full of light. I snapped these pics with my camera phone (always handy in my back pocket) and it really was the kind of day when even washing on the line felt worthy of a photograph!
Joining in with ‘The Gallery‘ over at ‘Sticky Fingers’ where this week the theme is, of course, ‘Light‘!