Photo A Day MAY | Something I wore today…

I LOVE Thursdays – especially this Thursday.

Hubbie sometimes comes home early (4pm), as he has a tennis session at the court adjacent to Charlotte’s school. Most weeks he has to get his head back down to the grind stone for a few hours in the home office, but today I was buzzing to try out my new lingerie (NOT – but that would have been nice too – hint, hint, Mother’s Day here in NZ on Sunday).

I was, ah hem, buzzing to get out for a run!

I haven’t been for a run in a good week or two. The coming full ‘super moon’ and the excitement of the high swell in the bay, had me pumping.

So as it’s ‘Photo A Day MAY’ and that is the challenge for today is, ‘Something You Wore Today’ – I shall now show off my… old trainers (that really are getting ready for replacing…), but I’ve told myself I need to run more regularly to deserve a pair – and I have my eyes set on a pair of ‘Vibram Five Fingers’ – from Freedom Feet (by the way, this is NOT a sponsored post – but Charlotte and Sophie were given a kid’s pair of ‘KSO‘ each, about a year ago, in return for appearing in a photo shoot – and I’ve been lusting after them ever since).

Exercise time! Photo a Day MAY | Something I wore

Anyway, the run was AMAZING! I could have gone on and on, but needed to get back home so that hubbie could attend a reunion with some old work colleagues from way back (plus I suddenly got a pulled muscle feeling in my calf that slowed me to a walk – that’ll teach me for getting too carried away).

Stretch to the sky!

I got that runner’s high after the first 5km and was powering along with an inane grin on my face, watching the crashing waves against the backdrop of the pink sky of sunset and the rising moon (my mind drifted to Van Gogh, Monet.. the great masters of art… ah, the power of ‘me’ time and a good run sans children!).

Sunset colours

Feeling elated I stretched out, before heading up the steep hill to our house and take over the parenting duties so hubbie could head out for a few drinks with his old mates.

Stretching out

Anyway, I think you’ve seen enough of my old trainers and quick ‘on the run’ pics taken on my camera phone.

Time I addressed the serious mess in the house and got my children bathed and to bed!

