THE GLASS JAR Daylight saving has ended the earth has turned on its axis days have shortened nights are long and when the clouds set in – with incessant rain the darkness tries to pull me along. . I turn to the glass jar a recipe of strength to ward off the blackness. …
Tag: NaPoWriMo
Paws #NaPoWriMo
PAWS Floorboards marked with mud and sand telling stories of the land; adventures in the rain muddy tracks, sodden fields blades of grass sticks and twigs – all brought in on his paws. Days of sunshine spent on beaches sand on beds and couches, remnants of a day well spent. Grass spurs from country walks,…
Autumn mushroom #NaPoWriMo
MUSHROOM On the edge of the forest path, defiant to the shortening day, the fungi’s startling colour stood, bold red, with white spots, under which a fairy ought to play. It stood in stark contrast to the greens and browns, tree roots, rotting leaves and muddy ditches. Autumn could not be ignored and the mushroom warned not to…
School holiday crescendo #NaPoWriMo #Prose4T
It’s school holidays here and so my usual hobbies are naturally taking a back seat. Not much time for writing and running, but the day 17 prompt on the 2016 National Poetry Writers Month website caught my interest yesterday. The prompt was; ‘Find, either on your shelves or online, a specialized dictionary. Now write a poem that…
Jump | #ThePrompt
JUMP! You make it look effortless to jump A fluid body at ease in the air Feet barely touch down before they fly No fear holds you back, again you fly Your body sailing into the next jump Flipping over like a leaf in the air Smile beaming every time you catch the air Arms…
Shadow of the evening sun
Playfully, the shadow led her feet, On a merry dance, in the soft grained sand, Illuminated by the glowing sun. The shadow tall, a stranger to meet, And yet, their merry dance, with nature’s band, Was in perfect step, accented well, By the evening light, of the glowing sun, Playing till dusk, when, then, her…
Dear Feet… #AprilLove2016
Dear Feet, I am grateful to you, for all the miles we’ve travelled. I am happiest when treading the earth with you. There have been times, trapped behind an office desk, when I’ve felt your restless sadness. You aren’t the kind of feet, that like to be still for long, from the moment I could…
Dear Hunger… #AprilLove2016
Dear Hunger, I shall never forget the way you looked, expressed on the lips of my first child. The milk she sought was slow in coming, after a prolonged and difficult birth. After several weeks and long, painful nights, of little sleep and endless nursing, her hunger was finally satisfied – but the weight of…
Dear Imagination… #AprilLove2016
Dear Imagination, I see you every day in my child’s eyes, in her creative play and questions, in the songs she sings and stories she tells, straight from the heart, with natural ease. Her mind has no limits, she can travel through changing dimensions, shape shifting her body through time and space. Today, on the…
Dear morning… (with children on a school day)
Dear morning, If it was just you and me, I reckon we’d get on just fine, But, as it is, my morning mood – isn’t mine to own. You see, I share my waking moments – with my children (and my husband). Their voices sway my emotions – though I try so hard not to…
Dear Home… #AprilLove2016 & Day 4 of #NaPoWriMo
Dear Home… It took me many years to love you, without a gnawing pain in my heart. For many years I ached to return – To the land where I was born and raised, to the family I said farewell to, and the place of my ancestors. It took me years to accept you, but…
Dear Love… #AprilLove2016 & Day 3 of #NaPoWriMo
Dear Love, I need to ramble, hand in hand with you, through the woodlands and over hills, snatching tingling kisses on frosty days, warming up in your embrace. Time to plan, wish and dream, seemed endless then. Those thoughts have now become our life – marriage, children, a home to call our own. We’ve travelled…
Seeking Renewal in Autumn – a poem as the clocks turn back
The days are shorter, closing in, I DEFY them to dampen my mood, (shouting loudly to the sun, setting earlier each night). After all, the weather is still fine, outdoor pursuits remain inviting, I just need to better manage my time, (or start wearing a head torch). I fill my house with candles, repeating an…
You lit up the sky… a poem | Day 1 #NaPoWriMo
It’s National Poetry Writing Month (or Global Poetry Writing Month)! This is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April (more information here). I’m not much of a poet, but I do enjoy trying to capture what I see and feel in words. I haven’t written…