I’m crawling and I have a new tooth!

This week I have really got the hang of crawling and started to explore a whole new world. So far, I have discovered Daddy’s sock drawer, his favourite CDs, all sorts of bits and bobs underneath Mummy and Daddy’s bed and lots of things, such as chairs, tables and heaters, to climb up on. I have started to hear the word ‘no’ a few times too!

I am now waving hello and goodbye at everyone (and everything – including cats, dogs, trees…!). I played in my paddling pool when the sun had his hat on and invited me out to play. But really it was Aunty Lucy who invited me, as she had rescued a paddling pool that had blown into our garden in the storms we’ve been having. She has beautiful sunflowers on her deck.

On Saturday I went swimming and went underneath the water, it reminded me of being in Mummy’s tummy. I practiced lying on my back, but didn’t like the swishing sound in my ears and stayed curled up like a ball, with my legs in the air!

I have also got a new tooth! My first top tooth!