Choo Choo I am 2!

What a great Birthday! I woke early, as always, and had a great time opening presents in bed with Mummy and Daddy. Wow! So many cool new toys and clothes! Thank you family and friends for spoiling me rotten!

Daddy went into work slighty late and we all had a Birthday coffee (fluffy for me) in a cafe near Daddy’s office. When Daddy came home we played with my toys until early evening. We put on a ‘Birthday CD’ that Aunty Carol had sent and danced around in my bedroom singing, ‘If you’re happy and you know it…’ and ‘Oh the Okki Kokey’ etc.! Wow! I was on a major Birthday high! Being 2 is GREAT!

Since turning two I’ve been talking more and more each day and give Mummy and Daddy a running commentary of everything I do. I’ve also been testing the boundaries in a new and BIG way! Mummy and Daddy have had their first major tantrums from me and I’ve shown that I am a very persistent young lady with alot of stamina!

I am a very good girl most of the time and love to leave Daddy little presents for when he gets home from work. I live him teddy bears and food at the top of the stairs (and when he’s had a very busy day I leave him a beer!).

I am loving my food and eat most of the day. I still like a little of Mummy’s milk but am hardly having any these days and very close to weaning.

Mummy, Daddy and I are looking forward to a fortnight’s holiday in Byron Bay at the beginning of August, where I’ll spend lots of time burying Daddy in sand and playing in the sea!