First week of term 2

It’s been a great first week of term 2. I’m always sad on the first day of the new term, as I really do love having the girls home over the holidays. However, it doesn’t take long (all of a day!) for me to quickly get used to having my morning’s quiet with Alice.

The girls have got back into their regular activities. They are both taking swimming lessons and dancing. Sophie’s enjoyed Kindi and come home with a little bag and cushion she had made on a sewing machine with one of her lovely teachers. I am really feeling that I shall have to make the leap into sewing (especially if the girls continue with their dancing and the need for costumes etc.). Charlotte’s been happy at school and had a lovely friend from her class round for a play-date on Wednesday, whilst Sophie got to go to the playground at Island Bay and Junglerama – where she met up with some friend’s from Kindi.

They were both tired by Friday and had a day at home to charge up their batteries. Next week they’ll hopefully be better paced to last the week.

We’ve had some beautiful moments this week and Alice is growing and changing every day, delighting us with smiles and coos.