Photo A Day MAY | Fun!

Another disturbed night of sleep with Alice (blame the super moon, molars, growth spurt, developmental surge, too late an afternoon nap… take your pick!). Lack of sleep made the thought of ‘fun’ hard this morning (and I forgot about taking a photo). I was invited to Charlotte’s school for ‘Mothers to School Day’ – 8.30am start in the library. Dan took Charlotte in – I was asleep, catching up on the hours I’d been awake from 2am to 6am!

I managed to get myself, Sophie and Alice out the door by 9.15am and finally got to school at 10am (after a few essential detours).

Anyway, I arrived to see Charlotte and the wind-mill she’d made (without me – whilst the other children had made their windmill with their mothers). Thankfully, Charlotte is very understanding and forgiving. I was at least there to see her sing with the choir – brilliantly performed I have to say (and Charlotte was right in the front middle, singing with great gusto and expression).

I didn’t catch a video of the performance in the end, but this is the song…

Unfortunately the song upset Sophie a little with the lyrics in the second verse…

“A mule is an animal with long funny ears
he kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
he’s just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
and by the way if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule

I reminded her that she does go to school – ‘home school’ and that it was only a song – nevertheless we had quite a chat about it later (deciding the lyrics were also quite offensive to mules, fish, pigs and monkeys too!).

Anyway, it was all over and done with and I was glad to get back home with Sophie and Alice afterwards!

We didn’t venture out again till the end of the day, to watch the glow of the sinking sun light up the sky at Lyall Bay and that’s when I took a photo that I shall use for today as ‘Fun’…

Alice dancing at sun-down at Lyall Bay

It was beautiful to see the colours of the sky…

Colours over the bay

And watch the nearly full moon rising in the sky…

Nearing full moon

There’s a lot happening in our little ‘world’ at the moment. The future is full of possibility and potential. What will be, will be!

