Thank you, my daughters, for a perfect Mothers Day x

It was Mothers Day here in New Zealand on Sunday. My daughters, without knowing it, gave me one of the best Mothers Day I’ve had. More than anything, a mother wishes for happy, content children and no major scuffles to break up! Miraculously, the whole day was one of peace, sunshine, blue sky and even a snatched moment for hubbie and I to enjoy being together.

This poem is for my daughters – one day they’ll read this and understand 😉 xx

They weren’t any cards, or breakfast in bed,
No fights in the kitchen, at dawn, to dread.
Miss 3 woke at three, singing ‘Do, Re, Mi’,
Couldn’t sleep for wondering what came before Ti.

She asked for food, a bath, paints to create,
Painted herself in my womb, whilst she ate.
I lasted till five, when Daddy stepped in.
Then from seven we slept, without a din.

Miss 7 and 9 happily played their games,
Till at nine the sunshine and laughter came.
What more could I wish for, on Mothers Day,
than sun and peace whilst in my bed I lay.

No plans for the day, made us all at ease.
Latte from my love, made me easy to please.
The blue sky and beach called us out from home,
We went with no grumbles, no fights, as one.

Mothers Day New Zealand 2013 on Scorching Bay beach, Wellington

They wrote me messages of love in the sand,
My three daughters, content, a happy band.
This is what I needed, more than anything,
Feeling the love, with husband and children.

Messages of love

The evening was finished off with perfection.
Champagne, a spa, under a starlit sky.
A moment, with my husband, not to mention.
Time to talk, time to be, a happy sigh.

© Sarah Lee, 12 May, 2013.


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Prose for Thought