
We walked into Play Centre on Monday to be greeted by several, inviting easels loaded with paint pots, a table of clay with a collection of natural decorations (shells, driftwood, flowers) to adorn our sculptures, music, singing, the doors wide open to a covered deck, allowing outdoor play, despite the rain. I had an instant feeling, ‘This is meant to be!’.

The Play Centre [] is within walking distance of our new home and most of the children go on to the school next door. There was a real sense of community belonging amongst the parents and the sound of laughter was infectious. The parents running the morning activities worked incredibly hard to provide a stimulating, creative learning environment.

Charlotte was all smiles and she thoroughly enjoyed sitting down to a relaxed morning tea, half way through the morning’s activities, along with the other children. She painted, got mucky with clay and built a volcano in the sandpit.

We visited again on Wednesday and Charlotte loved making sweet corn fritters, singing and dancing with the other children and playing freely.

I am very keen to become involved and it was lovely to feel so welcome. Sophie loved it too and I am so relieved to have made the decision to go down this new path, though it will be hard work too! I shall have to undertake training and eventually Charlotte will be able to attend four morning sessions, one of which I will be ‘on duty’ and on the other three mornings Charlotte can attend independent of me (though I don’t foresee that happening for quite some time!).