Sophie’s sandwiches

Sophie would like to share her latest creation in the kitchen with you. All that’s required is plenty of bread, an assortment of cookie cutters and some scrumptious spreads, fillings & a sprinkling of 100’s & 1000’s!

bread, cookie cutters & sprinkles

Here’s her fancy jam sandwiches (it’s amazing how much bread we go through when cookie cutters are involved!)…

heart jam sandwiches fancy jam sanwiches

And she takes after her Daddy with a love of cucumber sandwiches…

fancy cucumber sandwiches fancy cucumber sandwiches taste good


Thank you to everyone that kindly voted for Sophie in the ‘Persil Kiwi Kids Have a Go in the Kitchen‘ (if you missed her ‘Vlog baking’ first time round, you can see it again here). The great news is…. she won a cooking set! AND she won a big bag of Persil for Mummy’s never ending washing pile! So thank you!