Photo A Day JUNE 1 – 9 | Slices of Life

I love taking photographs and joining in with ‘Photo A Day June‘, with a different theme every day, adds a little spin to my domestic, home-schooling, mothering duties. I normally snap the pics on my phone camera (which isn’t great – a little grainy and difficult to focus at times), but when I have the time – and a free hand – I like to take photographs with this little baby…

My camera and green chalked streak of hair!

Here’s the first nine days of June…


My morning usually starts early, involves a large breakfast, a large coffee and spoonfuls of patience. Thankfully I have no need to look presentable for my oldest daughter’s school run (she starts at 8.30am and hubbie takes her – as his office is near her school). I usually wake whenever my youngest does and and wait for my six year old, home schooler, to wake up (she’s a night owl and often doesn’t rise till 9.30am – which allows me some nice one-on-one time with my two year old).

I find my self baking, making play dough, painting, putting the washing on, playing with puppets and sometimes painting whiskers on my two year old – every morning is different!

1. Morning | PhotoadayJune


This is the latest collectors ‘must have’ in our house (I shudder at the packaging and plastic volume involved). They are called ‘Trashies’ and this is what the trash can looks like when it’s empty…

2. EMPTY | PhotoadayJune


A favourite of my two year old’s – berry muffins – we keep a stash of frozen berries in the freezer over winter (like squirrels) and despair when the stash runs out. It’s so good to chuck in a handful of antioxidants to a smoothie or some muffins.



I took this on Queen’s Birthday weekend at Scorching Bay – the rocks are beautifully sculpted by the sea there.

Scorching Bay


I love the design of this sign, and others, alongside the dunes at Lyall Bay. When I first came to Wellington the dunes were non-existent – but once, before the area was settled by people, were extensive. Thanks to some hard-working, caring volunteers who love Lyall Bay, there’s been a lot of great restoration work – and these signs help to encourage people to protect that work.

Dune sign at Lyall Bay

6. HAT

The day I took this photograph was definitely a WARM hat day in Wellington (and in the South Island – where snow blanketed the island). This hat is made of possum fur (possums were introduced to New Zealand from Australia and are a serious threat to the native wildlife and trees). There’s an interesting article ‘Making possums pay‘ in New Zealand Geographic. I can’t help feeling sorry for the possums born in the wrong country – but the damage they are doing to New Zealand’s flora and fauna is putting many species on the seriously endangered list (I hope I don’t receive too much flack for wearing a possum fur hair… it is very warm though, *thank you Possum!*).



This wasn’t my first thought for this theme – but when I came across a few chickens enjoying a drink from this rain filled pot at the local Zoo, I thought ‘Drink!’.

Mmm, water!


What to photograph? It could have been the nuts that Alice had just spilt all over the kitchen floor, or Sophie on the computer. It could have been the dishes waiting to be washed, or the clock ticking on the wall. It could have been the drawn curtains keeping the cold out. In the end, I settled for this six o’clock snap – young Alice cooking up something for her dolls…

Alice at six o'clock


Two images for today. One was taken at Wellington Airport – I took Sophie and Alice for a plane watching ‘fix’ and a ride on the toy ‘Westpac Trust’ helicopter (Charlotte needed a little space after a late night – so her Daddy kindly obliged and took her out for some one-on-one ‘clear head space’ time!).

At the airport we reminisced on all the visitors we’ve greeted to New Zealand at the airport – Grandma & Granddad, Auntie Claire, cousin Jane – and we talked of flying away some place at a whim and all the places we’d like to travel to.

Sophie and Alice at Wellington Airport

This final photograph, snapped on my phone, was a breathtaking sight for my eyes. My dear hubbie was taking care of the children, whilst I enjoyed a little solo time on our local beach. As I parked up the car a stunning rainbow almost ‘shot’ from the sky, like a celestial beam of light (I only wish I’d had my SLR on me to take a decent photograph!). Ah well – the memory is imprinted on my mind…

Lyall Bay beach at dusk

