The Gallery – One Word – BEACH!

School trip to beach!

How lucky are these children?! They have NO IDEA!

The WHOLE school spent the day at the BEACH today!

There were sandcastle competitions between ‘Whanau’ groups, boogie boarding (classes taking it in turns to avoid total mayhem in the surf!) & picnics with obligatory sand in sandwiches.

We all had a blast!

Little Alice got right in with the action too (despite having a fever this week and sporting some suspicious spots this evening… there was a girl with spots at the indoor play-space we visited on Saturday, standing right next to Alice in the ball pool…!).

Dan even met up with us and took us for ice-creams after the beach action (he’s not well either – working from home – but at least he got some fresh sea air, sunshine & saw his girls).

LOVE the BEACH, LOVE that the girls school is so game on to take the WHOLE school to the beach. And LOVE that even though we are officially in ‘Autumn’ (gah!) we truly felt like Summer was still very much in the air today!


Linking up with ‘The Gallery’ – this week’s theme ‘One Word’.