Book Spine Poetry for Lyrical Sunday

Latte Junkie has set a really fun exercise for this week’s Lyrical Sunday. The idea is to make a poem using the titles of books. I’ve had quite a lot of fun doing this with my oldest daughters over the past week – turning books on their side and putting titles together to make a poem (also known as ‘Book Spine Poetry’!). My contribution is below (but visit Latte Junkie’s blog to see more!).

Book spine Poetry

Women who run with the wolves,

Once were warriors –

Under the mountain –

Bringing down the moon,

Into thin air.

© Sarah Lee, 2012

And here’s another one I did last week – when I first got wind of this neat idea!

Book spine poetry

Children of the Earth… Remember,

Live in a Better Way,

Neither Here nor There –

Where rivers change direction.

© Sarah Lee, 2012


Lyrical Sunday