Wardrobe Wednesday | Shorts

I’ve favoured skirts and dresses way more than shorts this summer, but today I dug out a pair of my fav shorts (previously jeans – but the holes in the knees got obscene from crawling around clearing up after my children!). With autumnal weather starting to hint at its presence, it felt good to throw on a comfy pair of well-fitted denim shorts, along with a light v-neck knit and some ballet style shoes.

Wardrobe Wednesday shorts

I added a cardigan later in the afternoon, to take Miss 7 to ‘Circus School’ – along with little Miss 3 for company.

Wardrobe Wednesday shorts

I didn’t feel much like smiling this morning, or bothering about what clothes I threw on. Thankfully my friend, Frances, who looks after my two youngest children for one to two mornings a week, was due round. I headed out for a run, finishing up with some stretches on the beach and waiting for the endorphins to kick in (wasn’t quite happening this morning). By the time I got home I was ready for a shower and to get dressed properly for the day – and I have to say that I felt so much better for it.

Waiting for the post run endorphins to hit!

From running girl to Mum about town. Exercise, a dash of make-up and a little bite of chocolate & a strong coffee – all worked to make me feel a lot better by the afternoon.

Hope you’re having a good ‘Wardrobe Wednesday’?!

Joining in ‘WW’ over at ‘Kiwi Womens Style’